Vertical Horizon
(Click on picture for expanded view.)
(Moldovan, 2005, 36", 6", EM DOR Re Tet, 5-way branching, 30 buds) His description includes: Pale phlox purple with deeper purple patterned eye and picotee white edge above yellow green throat. The eyezone is a large and complex pattern area repeated boldly on all six segments. The complex pattern is centered with a smooth lemon to lime green throat. Above the throat, beginning almost in the throat, are deep purple lines which become textured veins through the inner eyezone shaded violet out over the outer portion of the eyezone which is a reddish purple shade of color and finally out onto the petals. The sepals are marked similarly but the violet-gray markings applied over the throat area are applied in bands in a vertical fashion horizontally and becomes a part of this visual ensemble. Widely branched picture-book scapes well above the attractive blue-green foliage. The pod parent of our blue eyed selection called PIECE OF SKY (2006).
-- Comments: Consistently formed flowers, excellent branching and bud count, strong performance in my Zone 4 northern garden. Used as the cover picture on Moldovan's 2006 catalog. Parent of 22 registrations, including Rich Howard's POLAR VORTEX. Has worked some magic in the eyes of some of our own seedlings!